Bible Preaching & Teaching
Biblical, relevant, and passionate preaching never fails to be better than comedy routines, drama, or motivational talks. Our meetings are centered on the Lord Jesus Christ who purchased our salvation. Since Christ must be preeminent, we place great importance on the preaching and the teaching of the Word of God. Pastor Knickerbocker primarily preaches in an expository way through books in order to fulfill his responsibility to preach 'the whole counsel of God.'
Bring your Bible with a heart ready to be challenged and encouraged by God's Word. If you do not have a Bible we would like to give you a copy. Come discover life-changing truth from the Word of God.
Bring your Bible with a heart ready to be challenged and encouraged by God's Word. If you do not have a Bible we would like to give you a copy. Come discover life-changing truth from the Word of God.
Music that Honors The Lord
God-centered, Christ-exalting, biblically sound hymns enrich the soul in a way that modern songs with shallow lyrics and deafening volume cannot. Singing the hymns promotes a reverent attitude toward God that is anything but lifeless and boring. Our church loves to sing the great hymns of the faith! First State Baptist Church is a place that seeks to honor God in every aspect of its regular meetings, and that includes the music. The singing and music is all intended to prepare our hearts with a sincere humility before our Mighty and Holy God.
The Lord has blessed FSBC with gifted musicians who have a desire to use their gifts for the glory of God.
The Lord has blessed FSBC with gifted musicians who have a desire to use their gifts for the glory of God.
Evangelizing the Community & the World
Obedience to God's command to go and preach the Gospel to everyone should remain at the center of church ministry. God doesn't need the latest fads to be exciting. Timeless practices that stir the soul do not need to be replaced by strobe lights or the lastest technology. First State Baptist Church is involved in weekly evangelism efforts to reach the community with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. We hold an Annual Mission Conference were our members commit to pray and give to church planting missionaries around the world.
Training is available for all members who desire to participate in the evangelism efforts of the church.
Training is available for all members who desire to participate in the evangelism efforts of the church.
Reverent & Gracious
While you won't find a critical spirit here, you will find a place that believes reverence is right for the presence of God. Although irreverence is modeled across many institutions, we believe God deserves our best. Come and join people whose lives have been changed by Jesus Christ.
Biblical family
Our culture's experiment with the family have left homes in ruin. We still teach the biblical roles for the family as the best answer and as our best hope for stable, fulfilling, and God-honoring homes. With the forceful current of constant change sweeping over every part of our lives, the Bible answers the need to connect with truth that is unchanging and firm.
Godly Men
The idea that masculine men hate church isn't true. Come discover an environment where plenty of real men still believe God expects them to step up and provide strong, loving leadership in their families, the church and society.
Nursery Provided for Every Service
Many of our ladies volunteer on a weekly basis to help care for the smaller children in our newly renovated nursery. All nursery workers and volunteers are vetted before they are given a place of service in the church. Our desire is to encourage and help families as the parents fulfill their God given responsibility to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
The nursery is available for children who are three years old and younger during Sunday school and all other church meetings. All other children have the joy to participate in the regular meetings of the church.
The nursery is available for children who are three years old and younger during Sunday school and all other church meetings. All other children have the joy to participate in the regular meetings of the church.
Sunday School for All Ages
Every Sunday at 10:00am everyone is welcome to come to Sunday School to learn existing truths from God's Word. Sunday school is a great time to deepen our knowledge of the Word of God in a more classroom-type setting. In the children's Sunday School, children (ages 3 - 12) will learn Bible songs, Bible verses, and Bible stories. The children also have the opportunity to come before the congregation as a class and recite the verses they learned and sing the Bible songs.
A Friendly Atmosphere
First State Baptist Church is a welcoming and friendly church. The folks at FSBC love the Lord and love to reach the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. FSBC exists to reach everyone with the saving Gospel of Christ. The members of the church as simply servants of the Lord.
A Spirit of Prayer
We recognize that the work of the Lord must be accomplished in dependence upon the Lord. Prayer is the declaration of our dependence. We regularly meet for prayer on a weekly and monthly basis. Prayer rotation groups meet every week on Sunday mornings to pray for the days' meetings. Our ministry workers pray on the first Sunday of each month for the upcoming events and ministries. We also meet for our regular Bible study and prayer every Wednesday evening, to intercede and bear the burdens of our brothers and sisters in Christ.